College Life Journal

So I am sorry I don't really learn things in school, however today I learned about 50 different kinds of sleep disorders in physio psych, and i think i have all of them: insomnia, narcolepsy, and cataplexy among others. I have been up til 1 like every night this week writting essays for psych, so i am really tiredd during the day, and always fall asleep in math. It's rediculous. Cheyenne turned 9 yesterday, isn't that scary!!! (like halloween scary). Tonight i wore my sequined 80's tube top and passed candy out at the rugby house, although only like 2 kids showed up, but whatever. Did i tell you i played intermural volleyball on tuesday. a girl from my rugby team plays and they needed an extra person so i filled in. It was good, we won. I played again tonight and we kicked ass, but that means i have to go play another game right now for the playoffs or something. Then its back to homework!!! poo, well have a good night, and i'll let you know how the game goes. Later
-Julie PS yay hannah the red sox won!

So i totally forgot to tell you guys that i played survival BINGO on friday night and won a box of like 40 packets of microwaveable popcorn! It was really exciting and the popcorn is oh so buttery and delicious! and also T, i think that Tim kid is in love with you. he probably told his parents you were his girlfriend and thats y they were so nice to you. He seems like a nice guy though. Everyone at home needs to just hurry up and have sex with each other so all the drama is over! Hannah good luck on your midterms, they're a bitch but its good to get them over with. Whit i think u are the only sane one left in the group, how ironic! :) talk to you all later

Sorry it's been a while guys, weekdays are pretty boring, but, as usual, I have much to report from this weekend. Hold on to your hats, this may be a long one!(although we all know width is what counts!) Anyways. So Friday i got up at 8 for class went to breakfast, and decided i hate school, so i went back to sleep until noon. I was just so burned out from the weekend before, i needed a day to recover. so i basically layed around, watched tv, and did like 10 mins of hw. I went and watched a rugby game with the captains that someone taped a few weeks ago, so we could see what our teams strengths and weaknesses were, and then i went out and partied with the rugby girls. There was a keg at one girl's house and then we wandered around to a few more places before calling it a night (about 1:30ish). I then got up at 8 to pack for the horse show and then went to the rugby game. I ate breakfast in the dining hall and then went to "Kegs and Eggs" (you make scrambled eggs and drink beer for breakfast) before going to the game. We played at home and kicked major ass. After the first 1/2 (which i didn't play in) the other team was up 1-0, but in the second 1/2 we scored 3 'trys' (like touchdowns) and won the game. It was awesome, and i took out their kicker part way through the second half which was hella cool, cuz she was good. Oh, also, our captain, Mac Truck, had to go to the hospital after impaling her forehead on someone. i was watching from across the field, and when she got up out of a tackle her face was covered in blood. She had this huge welt on her head and a little cut that was bleeding everywhere; it was sick. I also have a few new bruises, mostly on my knees, and i was hella sore today. In the second (B-side) game where all the rookies play, I scored my first try, as did like 6 other girls on my team, and we all had to "shoot the boot" which means you chug beer out of someones cleats. It was pretty fucking nasty, and i definately got a bit of grass and mud with the beer. After the games i socialed with them for about an hour and a half, but had to leave at 5 for the horse show. We drove down to West Virginia and stayed at my aunt's house which was fun. Then at the show today i got first in my jumping class, and last in my flat class, so it was cool. I could barely get on the first horse i rode, i was so sore from rugby, and then a fucking bee stung me on the hand before my second ride, but it was ok, nonetheless. I think thats all the exciting stuff that happened, and glad to hear u guys are staying entertained. I now have a shit load of hw to do and a chem quiz to study for, so i'll talk to you all later. Go Gators!

Hey guys
Today was a tired and sad day. It was dark and drizzly and my brain hurts from learning, but I don't have it as bad as some people. Last night my friend Jess's dad died in a plane crash. She's not one of my close friends, but she lives across the hall and is really nice. I saw her crying for like a second this morning and all these people were buzing around, but I didn't find out what happened until this evening. She went home to NY, but I can't imagine dealing with something like that right now. I have also been reading this book where this guy's kid has a really bad accident and is in critical condition, and it really made me wonder how I would react to such a traumatic experience. I barely remember stuff from when my dad died, and (luckily) I haven't really lost anyone close since then. I just feel a little sheltered and inexperienced when it comes to dealing with death, and it makes me nervous. Anyways, I don't mean to be a downer, but it's something to think about. Talk to you guys later, and please be safe! Love

So, although school remained chill for about 2 weeks, I just got an assload of work. I have a take-home test for psych which means three reall in-depth essays probably 3-5 pages each due in a week, a 10-12 page research proposal for psych due by the final, a 3-4 page seminar paper on possible majors, and a 7 page seminar paper on the brain also due on the final! Thats like 30 pages of writting, plus regular homework and math and chem! I think I'll barf. I hate school and I hate homework. I like Rugby and I love food. I plan to only eat cereal all day tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes!

Hey guys!
Sorry to keep you guys waiting for my rugby weekend re-cap, but I thought I'd use the suspence to my advantage :) Anyways, I have been going non-stop since Friday, but I'll try to include everything important. So we left for our game on Friday at like 4 and drove 1 1/2 hours to Clarion to scrimage on their football field under the lights at 6. It had rained all morning and was misting on and off while we were there, the wind was blowing like crazy, and it was freezing! Despite the weather, I had a great time. I watched the first half of the game and got to play the second half because we were already losing by a ton. This team has a real coach and practices everyday and are absolutely amazing. It was a bummer to lose, but it was really good to see them working together. I tackled a bunch of people and have a huge bruise on my right bicep which i am very proud of (it's at least 2.5 inches in diameter, and is currently a blackish/purplish color, although it was green and black for a while!) We socialed with the team afterwards which means we went to some girl's house and ate pizza and drank a keg and sang rugby songs in the basement (these are primarily based on drugs, sex and rugby and i will post some of them on my website ASAP!) I got pretty wasted which made for an entertaining ride home, but i didn't puke so thats good. I think i ended up in bed by 2 or so which made the next orning a bit difficult. Saturday was make a difference day, so i got up at 7:30 and went with the rugby team to a cemetary where we dug up Yukka plants and cut down a tree. It was fun, but i really didn't feel like a made a big difference, I mean how many dead people care if there is a bush growing on top of them? ANyways, on saturday night i went out to dinner with this guy Jeff from Titasville (like 30 mins away from meadville) that i met at a party a few weeks ago. He's nice, but kinda trashy and immature (although he is 22) so i doubt anything will really happen. There was not much going on around campus, plus it was really cold out, so i went to bed early. On sunday we left at 9 for a game at the California University of Pennsylvania (they really need to get their own fucking name!) which was like 3 hours away. I again played in the second half and we kicked their asses. I didn't score, but i passed the ball off right before i got tackled and helped set up a try (like a touchdown). This one girl from the other team almost broke away for a try, but i ran and jumped on her which was very cool, and got a bloody lip which is now kinda swollen. We socialed with the Cal-U team too, but not for too long bc we had to get back to do homework and stuff. Overall it was a great weekend and i have some pimpin battle wound to show for it! sorry if this was really long, talk to you all later

Hey guys
check out the "new and improved" area of my website! It is still under construction (so now i have another reason to put off homework) but i am hoping to add pictures and stuff soon! Anyways, check it out and stay tuned for updates. Nothin much else is going on, but i am getting wasted with the rugby team tomorrow night, so that will be exciting. Hope you all are well. Chow
-Julie PS Happy birthday Ashley! Now if you kill someone, you will have to go to jail, so be careful! :)

my hommie BIG T is pimpin it in DE
thats a poem! well, i can affirm that T's roommate is crazy. I think T is way more forgiving than I would be. She is nice enough, i guess, but she has this loud, nasally, totally obnoxious voice that would drive me crazy. the rest of delaware was nice enough. The campus is pretty and within walking distance of main street which has tons of stores and pizza places and bars and starbucks (which i ate like 4 times in 2 days cuz there isnt one in Meadville)! It was great to see T, and i cant wait to see everyone in a few months. I had a horse show on sunday and i got 3rd in my jumping class, so that was good. and even better, this weekend is entirely a rugby weekend. We ahave a scrimage on friday night, make a difference day (a volunteer thing) on saturday and another game on sunday (at the CALIFORNIA university of pennsylvania, how rude, they need to get their own name!). I am hoping to buy cleats this week, and get to play this weekend! I got a C+ on my fucking chem quiz and I'd like to ring the teacher's neck. He didn't know the difference between a mortar and pestle (which he called a pessle), and he's the fucking teacher. I hate him. Anyway, i have to go take out my aggressions in rugby practice. chow

Allegheny is absolutly deserted. Alot of people go home on the weekends, but EVERYONE is gone for our fall break, its crazy. There are like 2 girls staying on my hall and everyone else took off this afternoon. It's OK though, i will be out soon enough and kickin it with T in the big DE! Tomorrow I am going to this place called Hog Heaven which is a large animal rescue farm. THey have goats and pigs and horses (some of which need some training, i guess) so i am gonna go get my volunteer on! Then i am headed off to Pittsburgh in the afternoon for a horse show on sunday. After that is DE for me! I don't have to learn school until WEDNESDAY! Ha, and i got paid today. a whopping 133 bucks for stuffing some envelopes and studying physio psych. Too bad that's my entire budget for the next month! Oh well, hope you guys all have great weekends and i'll tell you all about the trouble T and I got into when i get back! Later
PS Lauren i love getting like 5 emails from u everyday, there is always a new one in my inbox!

Howdy Y'all
I got T a b-day present today, which was exciting bc I was afraid i would not be able to afford it! This morning i had to give a speech in my seminar which was nerve racking, but i think, amid the endless babble, i maybe said one or two smart things. I also fall alseep in class alot. Both in chem and Calc today i was passing out, and i sit in the front row, so thats bad. I have decided that, since i am so tired, i have anemia so i am going to buy vitamins with iron if i can scrape up the money! NE ways, the weather here is crazy. It drops to like 35 degrees at night and is 65 during the day. It's nice, but i am really afraid i will die in the winter. It already gets dark early, and the trees are all changing color. I think when it snows i will just hybernate in my room and watch it out the window. Alright, enough whining, i am off for a run - gotta stay in shape for rugby u know?! Later

So as I was walking back from work like 5 minutes ago, i had a list of shit to bitch about, but after eating a cup of Life cereal, i cannot remember y i was in a bad mood. Perhaps I am becoming frahoodled! But isn't it amazing how food makes life so much happier?! I realized that I never eat because I am hungry, but I eat because: A- food is availabe (ex i cannot stop getting more food in the dining hall because I dont want to miss out) B- i am happy (ex today I got 100% on my math test, i deserve a treat!) C- I am sad (ex mmmm, food makes me happy) D- I am bored or procrastinating (ex i hate hw, so i eat instead) E- I cannot waste food (ex it is on my plate, so it must be devoured or it is in my firdge and i must eat it before it goes bad) F- I need a chaser (ex I have food taste in my mouth, so i must wash it down with another different-tasting food (this is a vicious, endless cycle)). In conclusion, i eat all the time. I am going to weight 400 pounds soon. OK, well I have accepted it. Even if i work out for 5 hours a day, i will just gain muscle weight and still be 400 lbs, its all good. Anyways, though u all should know how much my life revolves around food. I should be an inspiration to you all! :) Later Gators
-Julie the stoMach

Hello munchkins
Today I watched a Lifetime movies about Amish people and they said "Frahoodled" as a term for having gone crazy. ie If they knew I talked to myself, they would think I was frahoodled! I dont know if this has any conotation of demonic possesion or just craziness, but it's a fabulous word and I tend to exploit it to the fullest extent! (I encourage you all to do the same in regular conversation!) Not much else is going on, but I get to see T in less than a week! Lauren, I could not do 8 am (or earlier!) everyday, best of luck with that. Steph, we all miss u too! Whit, you're just fricken cool all the time. Stacey, I am sorry you died and no one even told me :( and Ashley, since you were somehow not on this list until recently, I hope u are well, and I am sorry you have to put up with my babble, but perhaps it will provide you with some entertainment. Has ne one heard from Tara ever? Maybe her and Stacey committed mass suicide and their bodies are et to be found at the bottom of the bay, wouldn't that be a good story for the 10 year reunion (sorry that was morbid). OK, must get soe sleep before i make up any more stories. Chow

Ah, last night brings back so many fond memories! In short, I drank a bottle of vodka, had beer from a keg, and puked my fucking brains out. It was great! This was, however, the first time I've gotten sick since I've been here (which is good for me), and I cleaned it up suprisingly well before I passed out. Tonight's dance party is going to have to be crazy fun in order to rival last night's festivities. Anyway, my aunt, uncle and cousin came up for "family weekend" from West Virginia, so it was good to see them and we went to a "Rockapella" concert which is the group that sang on the show "Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?" It was pretty cool, they do some crazy shit with their voices! Riding went really well on Thursday, and I am going to start taking lessons on a really nice horse at this new barn, so thats cool. Other than that, I have tons of homework to do tomorrow, and I gotta go get my groove on right now! Later guys
-Julie PS Rugby Rules! Go Gators!

Oh, what a beautiful Morn-ing!
Oh, what a beautiful day!
I've got a wonderful feeeel-iiing,
Everything's going my way!!!
Thursdays are my favorite in the world. I got up at 7 for my psych class and now I am done with school at 9:15! I walked up the hill from class and I get to walk through this gully area past the church and the creek and a little bridge and all the brick buildings, and the sun and dew on the green grass and colored leaves on the trees and the brisk air makes me feel glorious. i wish you all were here so that i could share my happiness with you. Yesterday was a grey icky day (but i drank hot chocolate so that was good), but today is just fabulous! I get to go riding at a descent barn this afternoon, which should be really fun, and then Rugby which is always great! I love thursdays! I almost got the chance to play Rugby for real this weekend, but my family is coming to visit, so I wont have time, but thats ok because i am so happy to be here it does't matter. I hope you all have incredible, inspirational, magnificent days, and hope to hear from you soon!
Love Julie

Ahhhhh, school is going crazy. I am going to be working for the rest of my life just to stay caught up on all the reading and studying. I think I totally blew a chem test today (Hannah, i am not one to advize, but i guess try to stay caught up on the reading and go to review sessions, unlike i did!). But its OK, I got a 96/100 on my physio psych test, which makes me happy. I just wrote 3 pages on how much i like my sense of vision (?!?) for my seminar, couldnt tell ya where that came from. And math makes me feel crazy. I totally get what the teacher talks about in class, but I get all the problems in the book wrong b/c they are more complex than what he teaches us. ARG! Well, Lauren enjoy the time you have and maybe start reading if you have books and spare time! Rugby is tight as usual, we scrimaged today and I got to tackle hella people, but it is really hard to play for a long time, i need to get into better shape. Oh, the Amish brought "The bounty of Crawford County" to our dining hall tonight, so i totally pigged out on fabulous meet, veggies bread (mmmmm) and homemade icecream. It was amazing. But I have to go to bed so that i can get up early and work off all those calories at the gym! :) Chow
-Julie PS I heard there was a big earthquake near San Luis Obispo today, did anyone feel it?

OK, for those of you that are well into school, what time do you usually go to bed on a week night (Sun-Thur)? People here are crazy and stay up until 2 or 3 everynight, and thats one thing if you have an 11:00 class, but I don't know how they can get up at 8 the next morning. I try to be in bed by like 11:30 or earlier if possible what about u guys? I stayed up til 3 last Friday night dong HW and had to get up at 7 the next morning and I was a zombie all weekend. I still haven't recovered. Oh and also, there is this girl in my chem class that sounds exctly like Shawna Nenni. She sits behind me and everytime I hear her voice, i just think "Stupid stupid girl, please shut your mouth." I am sure she is perfectly normal, but her voice just makes me want to smack her. Its very wierd. Anyways, i have a chem test tomorrow, and i get my physio psych test back, and math is kinda hard again, so school is just pretty shitty overall. Next weekend my aunt and uncle and cousin are coming up for family weekend, so that will be nice, and then i get to see T in 2 weeks! In the meantime, i have to get some sleep, after i go to class, go to work, go to the gym and study for hours and hours! Hope you all are well, and not working as hard as i am!
-Love Julie

Hey guys
I just had the most delicious lunch: Greek salad with feta cheese, olives, onions and tomatoes and two garlic breadsticks, topped off with a cool, refreshing diet coke! mmmm i could eat all day! nothing uch exciting going on, but thought I'd give Hannah something to do. Trust me, the first week is really boring, but things will pick up quite quickly. I have so many tests and papers due this week and next that it's crazy to think Hannah and Lauren haven't even started. Are your guys' finals before or after winter break? (ours are before, but i wasn't sure scince u start so late). I think i may spend a few days in Atlanta with my uncle right after school gets out, which should be fun, but I should be home for Christmas and definately be New years. Lauren - Any idea when a trip to your cabin might happen? T i am jealous that everyone is visiting u. Doesn't ne one wanta come hang out in Meadville?! :) Oh also my mom is totally cool with us going to Europe over the summer, but we should try to get a couple more people to go. Any one interested? What about Hommar? although i for sure don't want to be the odd man out! Whit I can't wait to see you art work, and steph we haven't heard from u in a while! Later guys

Hey y'all
Rugby is so fucking tight! We had crazy hard practice today, but its hella fun. Afterwards we went to the captians house for a beer and then to dinner. They are having a social on Sat night but i cant go b/c of riding >:( (thats a mad face!) So I decided that I only like math when i am good at it. last week I blew a test and I hated it, but this week we had a retest and i got 100% That means i have an A+! A bit of advice: learn the actual definitions and shit if they are gonna be on the test, and also know how to do the problems. Well I have to go write two psych essays for thursday, and an FS paper on recognition for friday, plus do math HW and pretend to learn physics, sooooo, hope you all are great, and love to hear from everyone soon! Go Gators!

hey girls!
last night was a bit of a bust. We went looking for parties but couldn't find any so we just hung out and watched pretty woman. Friday night was fucking crazy though. I drank like 5 shots of Shmirnoff in a friends room (hint: if you use gatorade as a chaser, it hits you faster!) and then we went to the Sig frat house. I downed a bunch of beers and there were hella people there so it was cool. I also hung out with my peer leader from my freshman seminar who is really fucking hot. He has the most beautiful skin i have ever seen and georgeous dark hair and he's hella smart, so that was entertaining. I came back to the dorm with some girls who live on the first floor and drank some more with them, and then I chugged the remainder of a bottle of vodka (at least 2 or 3 shots) right before i went to bed. Needless to say, I was feeling it a bit the next morning. Saturday I went to a riding clinic to watch which was cool. The girls on the riding team areall really nice and I am going to my first competition next Sunday. At Rugby we practiced tackling big blue punching-bag-type-things, and I had the best battle cry so i get a bottle of Golden Annie on tuesday! Hannah, how's Irvine? hope to hear from you soon! Go Gators!

This is my Bible:

Hello children
It is raining, it is pouring, I am not an old man, but I wish I was snoring! Thats what I did through my 8 am Psych class yesterday morning! I woke up at like 8:30 and just said Fuck it. It was kinda nice not having class. I played rugby Tuesday and yesterday in the pouring rain. It was crazy but hella fun. The girls on the team are really cool, and there are a ton of freshman starting this year. We have been practicing passing the ball, and next week we get to start tackling. I even bought a mouth guard so my teeth don't fall out! I left a bit early yesterday and went to a ridin lesson with the intercollegiate team. They are all really beginner, and I rode this shitty horse named Duddley and jumped like 2 feet 9it was pretty lame). I am going to compete with them next weekend, but I am going to try to find a more competitve barn if possible. I don't know if I ever really told you about the weekend in a sober state. Friday night we went party hopping and I just had some beers and ate chicken wings. We have this cool place called McKinley's that's open til 3am on Friday and Saturday nights, so you can go in when you have the munchies and get wings or nachos or whatever. Saturday I drank quite a bit of Vodka with some guys downstairs and then wandered around campus very intoxicated. Nothing super exciting, hopefully this weekend I'l get some action! I am going to watch a rugby game Saturday and we will see what else happens. Work is fine. A lot of the time I just study, which is good, but other times I'll spend like 3 hours stuffing envelopes or making place cards for the x-country meets. I guess thats about it. Sorry if its a lot of boring stuff, I'll try to compensate this weekend! :) Chow

Did you know that Allegheny and Alhambra both start with A's and both their colors are blue and yellow? I see A emblems everywhere (usually yellow on blue) and I think of Alhabra everytime. Don't know if thats good, or bad, but its a noteworthy observation. Chemisrty sucks. I fell asleep in lecture while sitting in the front row, and then was the first person done with this stupid quiz and left like 20 minutes early. We have the class 3 times a week for AN HOUR AND 50 MINUTES! The teacher is horrible and we have learned NOTHING. I really think its like remedial chem, and if i have to hear about Dalton and all those other atom-discovering people i will shoot myself. Math is fine. I was freaking out about a test we have tomorrow, but the review went really well today, so i think i'll be fine. My freshman seminar is totally easy. We haven't had any work for a week and only have 2 5-page papers all semester. I really am liking my Phisio-psych class; its hard, but really interesting and the teacher is great. I drilled a hole in a rat's skull today so that we could inject neurotoxins into the Substantia Nigra (see I'm smarter already!) and basically give it Parkinson's disease. I'll let you know how it turns out! What else...I am playing Rugby today, very exciting and I'm going riding on Thursday. I am gonna compete with the team here and we have a competition in 2 weeks. Hannah - i am so sorry about your day with Julia, i cannot imagine. Steph, i hope Lauren Goll flunks out of college (it really wouldn't suprise me. T what so you want for your birthday? I guess i will HAVE to get ou a present if I come and visit :) Whit - whats up? haven't heard from you in a bit, or I just don;t remember because y brain is full of useless information. Tara (are you getting these emails?) hows Vally-J? and Stacey - are you dead? (oh wait, thats my pickup line for after I run people over with my truck!) Talk to you guys later
-Julie PS I now steal cereal from my dining hall everyday, so i am happy! Today I got delicious granola, yesterday was Life.

I told you that you could pick up tips from your roommate T! People pop their collars here too, but apparently only the preps according to someone I asked. Well, I just woke up and totally missed my 8am class this morning, but i am heading off to work, so i'll write more later. Chow

Hey bitches
tell me how muc of this you can understand bc i am still a bit drunk. we went to a frisbee party tonight and ate bugers and then we got drnuk ith the guys downstairs. I had at least 7 shots of nasty vodka plus a couple of drinks and we started at like 10 and im still feelin it. ne ways definately had some fun toight, met some guys and girls from our dorm and got some hook ups for the future. oh i think i also started a fight at the soccer house. I was doing some pull ups on a pipe in the basement and some guy was gonna race me and we pulled the pipe off the celing and i don't think it broke, but the soccer guys got hella pissed and maybe beat up the guy i was with. i dont know. i will wright again tomorrow, but until then enjoy your saturday night! Chow

It seems as though exciting things always happen right after I send you guys an email saying nothing is going on. I guess I had better write more often! :) Anyways, I told you it rained all day and it was pouring all night so at about ten oclock (i was totally bored and full of energy) me and almost everyone in my hall decided to go mud sliding ouside. They call it "slip and slide" here and it was crazy. There is a steep grassy hill outside our dorm that flattens out about 20 feet up against the back of this building. Needless to say, when it has been raining for hours, the grass is super slippery and there is a HUGE puddle at the bottom of the hill. There were some guys out there from our dorm who had started to make a path where people could slide, so it was hella muddy and you'd go hella fast. I went on my butt first and then on my stomach and got super weggies and face-fulls of mud. It was fabulous! Meanwhile it was still pouring down rain so we were all soaked to the bone and covered in grass and mud. I did my laundy today and most of the ud came out, but I made the mistake of wearing white underwear and I am afraid they will never be the same again. :( oh well it was definately worth it, and if you ever get the chance, I highy suggest you try mud sliding. Just keep your mouth closed and your pants on! Later guys

The rain
sends pain
to my brain!
It has been raining all day, and it just makes everthing so much more difficult. Nothing much has been going on, but I did get to sew up rat heads in psych the other day (i told some of you already) . We are doing brain surgery next week, so this was practice for post-op procedures (I could be a fucking doctor!) Anyways, there was a poster sale on monday and I got 4 big posters with four different themes. A Don Quixote one (dramatic) a pink and orange "Endless summer" on (colorful), a periodic table of mixology (scientific) and a "beers of the world" one (multi-cultural). I now have a well rounded liberal arts education right in my dorm room! I am also gonna play Rugby. It gives me a good excuse to stay in shape and practice killing people! In other news, I finished "Sons and Lovers" by DH Lawrence which was pretty good (interesting perspective on relationships). But I guess thats about it. Keep me up to date on all you guys are doing. Chow

I think I am going insane. I hate fucking drama all of the time. I went and hung out with Eamon last night and we went over to his friend's at like 8:30. They were jut Bar-b-queing waiting for people to show up before tapping a keg. I had one beer and it made me really depressed. He was being irritating, trying to get me to play beer-pong and just pissing me off. He kept asking me what was wrong and why I was so quiet, and I didn't even want to ook at him. I had him take me home at like 9:15 and I got kinda homesick. Not like I actually wanted to go home, but I was just out of my comfort zone. I cried for like two minutes, and then I felt fine. I was all of a sudden in a really good mood. There weren't too many people in my dorm, so I borrowed Ocean's 11 and ate some hot wings and Cheese Nips. It makes me feel like some psychopathic bi-polar person or something. Nothing like that has ever happened to me before, and I don't know what the fucking deal is. Then fucking Eamon called and woke me up at like 3 in the morning asking me what my problem was. I cannot deal with shit like that. He doesn't even fucking know me. AAAhhhhhhh. Anyways, do you guys think I am being too high-maintinence? I can't even put up with a guy for a week without finding something wrong with him. Any feedback is helpful, and please tell me if I am just being a bitch. Thanks for listening to me rant and rave
-Crazy Julie

Hey guys
Week days are boring. No fun drunk tales to tell. School is fine; I got all of my clothes on Monday, cut up sheep brains on tuesday, did hecka good on my math HW wednesday, and got a job today. Not too bad huh. I am gonna be working as an office assistant for a the cross country coach, which will probably be boring, but oh well. It's all work-study though, so I think I have to send my $5.45 an hour home to mumsie! I checked out a nice barn today a few minutes from school, and I think I'm gonna go ride there on saturday. There is also this animal rescue place called Hog Heaven nearby I might check out on sunday and get my volunteer work on. Do you guys get labor day off? b/c we are a fucking private school they get to decide which national holidays are worth getting time off (apparently labor day doesn't count). Well I have AOL IM now so please send your names bc I only have 3 buddies :( I am juliemach5 like my email. I don't have to go to chem tomorrow, but other than that I have no exciting plans. I'll give you the weekend saga on monday. Chow

Hey guys
Today was a fabulous day. It finall cooled down a bit, although it was drizzling on and off. I went to class, had a job interview, got a bunch of my clothes from home (by far the highlight of the day), worked out, had a good dinner, bought chemistry goggles (very sexy!), and hopefully found a place to start riding. I feel very accomplished, so to finish off the night I am gonna do some homework and then go hang out with Eamon. Hope you all are well. Keep me posted on all the little things!
love, Julie

Partying makes me very tired. Friday night I went to Brian's bc they had bought like 5 cases of beer, and I got drunk. Then around12 me and this girl Lisa from my hall went over to this frat's dance party and hooked up with some guys there. It was HELLA hot though so we left eventually and went back to chill at Brians (he has AC). Last night (saturday) we wondered around looking for partys at the soccer house and swimming house and ended up at this house hella far up the hill. There was a keg and a bunch of guys, so it was nice ad I hooked up with this kid Eamon (like the singer) who rode horses and seems really cool. We went down to the theta chi frat for a bit and then I walked some girls home to the dorm. Then I wet back to Eamons and spent the night there. I am really tired. sorry if I am babbbling on, but I'm used to telling you guys everything. Everyone sounds like they are doing well, I heckof miss just hanging out and being crazy with everyone! Wel I have to go shower, I am going to Walmart today! (Pretty much the most exciting thing to do in Meadville other than getting drunk!) Please let me know how all your partying is going k? talkto ya later

I am a fucking machine! I have gone to the gym 4 days in a row - that is an life-time record!
oh, how are you guys, by the way? :)
I had the rest of my classes today: my seminar, chem and calc II and they all seem very doable. I love my schedule. I don't have to get up outageously early, I have a leisurly 1.5 hour lunch break, and I'm done by 2:20 so I have tons of time to study and workout before dinner. It's raining quite heavily here now, so it may be bit of a lame Friday night, but its still early................. Hope you guys are all well, and send me your school addresses if you have them. Chow

Hey guys
Last night was pretty chill. I hung out and watched movies at Brian's house and then watched family guy in this girl Layla's dorm til 1:30 or so. I got up at 8 today to meet with my advisor (I get my schedule tomorrow and start class Thursday) and then went back to bed and slept til 1. I am hoping to get Calculus II, Chemistry, and Physiological Psychology (with a lab) plus my freshman seminar for 18 credits. I figred out that if I averge 17 credits per semester, I could theoreticly graduate early b/c of my AP credit, but we'll see. This afternoon I went to the gym (which is reall really nice) and then went to the store for food and dorm stuff. T have fun packing, steph and stacey have fun writing poems? whit have fun doing homework and Hannah.......Have fun?! Talk to you guys later

Hello all
Quite another exciting night at Allegheny. We had an "alcohol awarness" talk aroung 9 so of course I took what the speaker said to heart and went out drinking. I went back to the castle and hung out with a bunch of girls from my hall and some guys from downstairs and loaded up on Busch beers. When they ran out of alcohol me and this girl Erin went to the theta-chi dance party, and although there was no one there, we met some cool people and went to hang out at the delta house. I had a few more beers and talked ideas with a philosophy major before calling it a night around 2:30. Hope you all are having fun, keep me posted. T - can you send me whit's address, I'm not sure I have it right, and do you know if Luis or Victor have e-mail? Let me know. Chow

Hey guys!
Hope you all get this, let me know if you do. So last night was exciting. If Hannah didn't tell you, the night started off slow but at about 10:30 a couple of guys came by and invited us to a party at the "castle." Me and my roommate wandered around and finally found an off-campus house with music and a keg. I had two beers nd then we left with two other girls from our dorm. We headed back to the rooms and, being the alcoholic that I am, I finished off their three drinks (they said beer was gross, but they just weren't hardcore like me!). On the way up to our room, we stopped at a friend's. Luckily she as just getting ready to go out with a couple of guys, so we tagged along. We went to some apartment-type housing to play beer pong and get blasted. Mission accomplished! There were four guys there: Brian who I hung out with, Foster who was his big crazy kid and two expert beer-pong players. I got pretty fucked up, as you heard on the phone, but I didn't puke so it was all good. Today we met our advisors for our Freshman seminars (cool teacher and cute guys in the class) and we start working on schedules tomorrow. The weather was beautiful today; cool in the morning and sunny all day, so hopefully it stays like this. Hope you guys had fun at Chico, let me know how it went, and I'll try to keep you up-to-date on all the excitement in Meadville PA. Also, send me your addresses and phone numbers at school if you have them.
Talk to ya soon! -Julie

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